Step-by-step Instruction#

For HB-2A, the Bragg diffraction data reduction has been fully automized, and general users only need to follow certain routines to locate the reduced data and fetch them as needed. There are two ways to access the reduced data, via ONCat or the analysis cluster. Detailed instructions about how-to for each approach of accessing the data can be found here.

For both approaches, the data could be found under the specific IPTS directory. On analysis cluster, the data route would be something like /HFIR/HB2A/IPTS-xxxxx and via ONCat, the data would be downloaded as a zip package. Once unzipped, a folder with the name of IPTS-xxxxx would be obtained, and all the data, including the raw and reduced data, could be found under the IPTS-xxxx directory. Located in a certain IPTS-xxxxx directory, the raw data can be found in the sub-directory with the name of expxxx (xxx represents the experiment ID) and in most cases, general users do not need to worry about the raw data. The reduced data could be found under the shared/autoreduce sub-folder. Under this sub-folder, there are several types of output that may be of interest. Here follows is the table summarizing the typical output within the shared/autoreduce sub-folder,

File/Folder Name



The reduction log for every single dataset


The reduced data for a singl run, without normalization, in XYE format


The reduced data for a singl run, , without normalization, in GSS format


The reduced data for a singl run, normalized over collection time, in XYE format


The reduced data for a singl run, normalized over collection time, in GSS format


The reduced data for a series of similar runs. During the autoreduction procedure, all similar runs (i.e., under same measurement condition, e.g., temperature) will be automatically combined.


Sumamry about current IPTS

More Materials#

Refer to the user guide available at the HB-2A instrument website, https://neutrons.ornl.gov/powder/users.