Data Processing Workshops#

Satellite workshop with ACNS meeting 2024 at Knoxville#

Date: June 22nd, 2024

Organizers: Yuanpeng Zhang, Matthew Tucker, and Thomas Proffen

ACNS = American Conference on Neutron Scattering

Workshop website: Click Me

Workshop materials

  • Opening remarks Jupyter notebook: Click Me

    The paper by D. Keen summarizing the different forms of total scattering functions, Click Me

    The paper by P. Peterson, et al. summarizing total scattering formulations, Clicke Me

    An interesting review paper about the PDF method, by M. Dove and G. Li, Click Me

  • Presentation slides: Click Me

  • Introduction & Demonstration to the total scattering data auto-reduction: Click Me

  • Introduction & Demonstration to the total scattering data manual reduction: Click Me

  • Introduction & Demonstration to the total scattering data post-processing: Click Me

  • RMCProfile package (for the workshop, please download the version of 6.7.9): Click Me

  • Post-workshop poll: Click Me

Satellite workshop with SHUG meeting 2023#

Date: June 5th, 2023

Organizers: Yuanpeng Zhang, Matthew Tucker, and Thomas Proffen

SHUG = SNS-HFIR User Group

Workshop website: Click Me

Workshop materials

  • Opening remarks Jupyter notebook: Click Me

    The paper by D. Keen summarizing the different forms of total scattering functions, Click Me

    The paper by P. Peterson, et al. summarizing total scattering formulations, Clicke Me

    An interesting review paper about the PDF method, by M. Dove and G. Li, Click Me

  • Presentation slides: Click Me

  • Introduction & Demonstration to the total scattering data auto-reduction: Click Me

  • Introduction & Demonstration to the total scattering data manual reduction: Click Me

  • Introduction & Demonstration to the total scattering data post-processing: Click Me

  • Post-workshop poll: Click Me